Gretsch change blacktop filtertron
Gretsch change blacktop filtertron

I think the treble response on the plain strings give great chime without the ice pick or sterile shrill. The open body with the bracing gives it a nice vintage type tone but your can rock this just like my SSLVO.It has bite and focus on the wound strings and cuts through the mix really well.almost identically to the SSLVO with a slight and I mean very slight edge going to the TV JONES CLASSICS in my SSLVO? But I think this has a lot to do with the trestle bracing rather than pickups. What a palate of sounds! This is not a trestle braced guitar but the 5 ply top keeps it from howling.

gretsch change blacktop filtertron gretsch change blacktop filtertron

With the treble bleed and rotary tone knob it makes this guitar very versatile.I was very surprised at the response. Played through VOX AC 30 and these things ripped. I heard so many people talking about low output? No way. Honestly given a regular decent amp these things are no entry level pickup and can hold there own with any pro pickup.They are very classic Filtertron and they are ballsy and loud. My thoughts are that these pickups are some seriously great pickups. Please realize all I have owned were Prolines with TV Classics and HS Filters alnico. I just got the chance to gig them and this is what I heard: As some of your are aware I just bought a Fairlane Blue 5420 2017 model and posted a review about the guitar in a previous thread.

Gretsch change blacktop filtertron